Monday, February 16, 2009

February 16, 2009

Oh, yes I am trying this blogging thing. Not sure how involved I will be. Never hurts to try something new.

I am back at work this Monday, same ol thing, waiting on Lisa for bulletin inf.

Mark took th e day off to fix some severe pipe damage he found over the weekend.

It was great to spend time there on Sat. eve. Stefanie made a delicioous meal.

Sunday school went very well, I feel the kids actually were interested. Thank the lord. Really.

Carol & Ed


  1. Didn't know you had a blog too! I started mine so that Terry's family in SD could keep on what we were doing! It's a hit and miss kind of thing for me. Sometimes I blog 2-3 times a weekend and then you may not hear from me for a week or two. Whatever happens no one seems to mind. They are always happy to read it the next time that you are on. Take care and have fun with it.Claudette

  2. Glad you joined the bandwagon too! I was so surprised when I saw I had 2 followers. So far I blog alot but never know how it will go. I haven't mastered some of the high tech things yet so my blog is plan compared to some. Now we can keep up a little more with each other if we don't have time to call. Have fun! Alice

  3. That should be my blog is plain not plan. Duh!
